i just needed to get out and shoot...cabin fever big time
and here is something i have realized on why i think i am so drawn to photography:
it makes me slow down and look at things at a different angle
there is nothing i like better than finding a great new spot or location to shoot...it makes me feel as though i have discovered something new and i have the chance to reveal that to others
and then while i was out tonight God spoke to me about how that's the same desire He has placed in me when it comes to relationships...i love meeting new people and helping them to discover what it is i see in them. i also love when God reveals more of Himself to me which is usually in those times when i get away, quiet myself, and allow myself to look at situations and circumstances at different angles
so, it was just a really good time of shooting tonight...eventhough it was mostly just a big hunk of rusted machinery