we spent it with my sister, Jeni, and her family. it was great being there for my nephew's birthday and just hanging out and not doing a whole lot...
i'll warn you: this post is a bit big...but i though, of course, that my weekend would be best expressed with the pics
so here we go:
traveling there was fun....i love traveling but don't do it as often as i would like...chances have it though that the next couple months will be full of some cool trips
we got in a little late friday night as so we just chilled, went to bed, and were then attacked by the niece and nephew the following morning which is one of my favorite parts
lauren and garrett have differing viewpoints on what it means to "attack" us come morning time....for garrett, being a boy, this generally means a gun of some sort is involved...he didn't let us down
that day just also happened to be garrett's birthday, so the day started off with a new found hobby of his: golf
so off to the driving range we went
we are both pretty horrible
garrett on the other hand seems to have a knack for it....
and lauren really, really, really wanted to make sure that the ball made it on the tee...(or just pretty much waited until her picture was taken) ha
after that we had some time to chill before going to Chuck-E-Cheese for the birthday party...so we fooled around in the backyard playing games and messing with the dog....apparently he enjoys chomping down on the water coming out of the hose....sooo funny. these were the shtos from the 2 seperate times we did it
this is the look you get when you tell lauren that it's time to put away the hose...
and then there is the losing battle of trying to keep the towel away from porter...this is how well that went
then it was off to the birthday party...let's just say that Dave and I owned this one game which helped garrett bring in tickets....he was one happy birthday boy
we ended the night playing around with the lighting gear
after a long day of craziness, it was time for a relaxing day of legos, cafe by the lake, and night out for the adults
i decided to take the liberty of shooting some pics of garrett's legos as he played with them...they look just a little different than i remember
then off to the cafe on the lake...
awesome place!
this guy decided to sing happy birthday to jenica and jeni and then tell jenica that she should be a model for crest toothpaste....we are looking in to that
walking back to the car...
after hanging for a bit, it was time for the adults to grab some food and spend a night catching up on life...
passed on the palm reading, but the lighting was awesome!
then espresso from one of the best...
some shots driving back after a long day...
headed downtown on our last day which included the hello kitty store, lego store, and crazy ridiculous fog like i have never seen in the city
had thought about going to the skydeck to stand in the glass boxes over the city, but the wait was crazy so we opted for the ground floor view...
finally, the weekend was coming to a close so i grabbed some shots of the city, we boarded the plane, and said goodbye to what was a great weekend.....
(oh yeah, and oprah thinks she owns the world so they shut down michigan ave. so that she could have her show IN THE ROAD!)
whew.....i need a nap.
too much to do though