however, i don't have that laying around right now and so i had an idea to see if i couldn't make one out of:
straws, duct tape, and package tape
you be the judge....not the "best" method and not quite as user friendly, but it does the trick for now pretty well
here are the straws...
here it is taped to my vivitar 285 with masking tape
and this is what it produced (don't judge me by the model or the composition...just trying to see if i like the overall performance)
thanks to my wife for being a trooper and taking these shots
before she got too cold and tired...we tried one other set up to show you all the difference
with homemade grid spot, exposed correctly (for the most part)
EXACT same settings as above, but just with the homemade grid spot taken off
final shot, without homemade grid spot, but flash toned down for more proper exposure
hopefully this shows you all the difference that a grid spot makes and its look...